Are you looking to develop your offer of party items and patterned event decoration? My Little Day, a Parisian wholesaler, has everything you need: cups, napkins, plates ... Our team has imagined for you articles, mostly eco-friendly, to perfectly fill the shelves of your stores and e-shop!
Paper plates - happy birthday Paper plates - happy birthday Paper plates - happy birthday SKU : MLD-ASHBMU23
Paper cups - happy birthday Paper cups - happy birthday Paper cups - happy birthday SKU : MLD-GOHBMU23
paper napkins - happy birthday paper napkins - happy birthday paper napkins - happy birthday SKU : MLD-SEHBMU23
tattooed balloons - happy birthday tattooed balloons - happy birthday tattooed balloons - happy birthday SKU : MLD-BATATHBMU23
invitations - happy birthday invitations - happy birthday invitations - happy birthday SKU : MLD-INVITHBMU23
topper - multicolor happy birthday topper - multicolor happy birthday topper - multicolor happy birthday SKU : MLD-TOPHBMU23
paper garland - multicolor happy birthday paper garland - multicolor happy birthday paper garland - multicolor happy birthday SKU : MLD-GUIHBMU23
-50% paper cups - happy birthday paper cups - happy birthday paper cups - happy birthday SKU : MLD-GOHBDMU
paper garland - pastel happy birthday paper garland - pastel happy birthday paper garland - pastel happy birthday SKU : MLD-GUIHBPA23
topper - pastel happy birthday topper - pastel happy birthday topper - pastel happy birthday SKU : MLD-TOPHBPA23
-10% Paper plates - pastel Paper plates - pastel Paper plates - pastel SKU : MLD-ASPAS22
-10% paper napkins - pastel paper napkins - pastel paper napkins - pastel SKU : MLD-SEPAS22
-10% Paper cups - pastel Paper cups - pastel Paper cups - pastel SKU : MLD-GOPAS22
-10% pastel mix party hats pastel mix party hats pastel mix party hats SKU : MLD-CHPOPAS
-10% party hats - daisies party hats - daisies party hats - daisies SKU : MLD-CHPOFLVE
paper napkins - aqua stripes paper napkins - aqua stripes paper napkins - aqua stripes SKU : MLD-SERADIAQ
paper napkins - yellow stripes paper napkins - yellow stripes paper napkins - yellow stripes SKU : MLD-SERADIJA
paper napkins - pink stripes paper napkins - pink stripes paper napkins - pink stripes SKU : MLD-SERADIRO
-10% Paper plates - daisies Paper plates - daisies Paper plates - daisies SKU : MLD-ASFLVE
-10% Paper cups - daisies Paper cups - daisies Paper cups - daisies SKU : MLD-GOFLVE
-10% Notebook daisies Notebook daisies Notebook daisies SKU : MLD-CARFLVE
-10% tattooed balloons - daisies tattooed balloons - daisies tattooed balloons - daisies SKU : MLD-BATATFLVE
-10% 12 badges - daisies 12 badges - daisies 12 badges - daisies SKU : MLD-BADFLVE
-10% toppers - daisies toppers - daisies toppers - daisies SKU : MLD-TOPFLE
-10% paper garland - daisies paper garland - daisies paper garland - daisies SKU : MLD-GUIFLE
-10% pinata - flower pinata - flower pinata - flower SKU : MLD-PINAFLE
-10% pinata - pink flower pinata - pink flower pinata - pink flower SKU : MLD-PINAFLERO
-50% Paper cups - flowers Paper cups - flowers Paper cups - flowers SKU : MLD-GOFLEMU
-50% Paper plates - flowers Paper plates - flowers Paper plates - flowers SKU : MLD-ASFLEMU
flowers tattoos flowers tattoos flowers tattoos SKU : MLD-TATFLE
Notebook flower Notebook flower Notebook flower SKU : MLD-CAFLE
12 badges - flowers 12 badges - flowers 12 badges - flowers SKU : MLD-BAFLE
-50% paper cups - wax (yinka) paper cups - wax (yinka) paper cups - wax (yinka) SKU : MLD-GOYINKA
-50% paper plates - wax (yinka) paper plates - wax (yinka) paper plates - wax (yinka) SKU : MLD-ASYINKA
-50% paper napkins - wax (yinka) paper napkins - wax (yinka) paper napkins - wax (yinka) SKU : MLD-SEYINKA