

The Fairy Collection was created in Paris by the team of My Little Day, wholesaler of party supplies. Designed for children who dream of legends, fairies and turning a pumpkin into a coach, this collection includes all the essential items to organise a dreamy birthday party! It's enough to transform your shelves with a wave of your magic wand to the delight of your customers, whether you have a shop or an e-shop! 
Paper cups - fairies Paper cups - fairies Paper cups - fairies SKU : MLD-GOFEE
paper napkins - fairies paper napkins - fairies paper napkins - fairies SKU : MLD-SEFEE
invitations - fairies invitations - fairies invitations - fairies SKU : MLD-INVITFEE
fairies tattoos fairies tattoos fairies tattoos SKU : MLD-TATFEE
-10% pinata - flower pinata - flower pinata - flower SKU : MLD-PINAFLE
-10% pinata - pink flower pinata - pink flower pinata - pink flower SKU : MLD-PINAFLERO
12 badges - fairies 12 badges - fairies 12 badges - fairies SKU : MLD-BAFEE
Birthday candles - Happy Birthday pastel Birthday candles - Happy Birthday pastel Birthday candles - Happy Birthday pastel SKU : MLD-X50-115-P
Goodies : heat maze Goodies : heat maze Goodies : heat maze SKU : MLD-T79-141A
pink bracelet pink bracelet pink bracelet SKU : MLD-G65-411
Goodies : mini bubbles Goodies : mini bubbles Goodies : mini bubbles SKU : MLD-T01-804
Goodies : heart bracelet Goodies : heart bracelet Goodies : heart bracelet SKU : MLD-G08-132
Goodies : glitter bouncing ball Goodies : glitter bouncing ball Goodies : glitter bouncing ball SKU : MLD-T05-328
-10% pastel mix party hats pastel mix party hats pastel mix party hats SKU : MLD-CHPOPAS
pink number candle - 1 pink number candle - 1 pink number candle - 1 SKU : MLD-BOUCHRO1
pink number candle - 2 pink number candle - 2 pink number candle - 2 SKU : MLD-BOUCHRO2
pink number candle - 3 pink number candle - 3 pink number candle - 3 SKU : MLD-BOUCHRO3
mix balloons - all pastels mix balloons - all pastels mix balloons - all pastels SKU : MLD-BA12PASTEL